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Irakli Lekvinadze provided the report at the sitting of the Sector Economy and Economic Policy Committee of the Parliament

The 2023 activity report was presented by Irakli Lekvinadze, Chairman of the Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency, during a sitting of the Sector Economy and Economic Policy Committee of the Parliament of Georgia.

"2023 was an essential year for our Agency in terms of competition, consumer rights protection, and anti-dumping measures. Enforcement policy has been strengthened,  addressing has increased, and the Agency's name has been modified to represent its mission and primary activities more effectively.

In 2023, the Agency closed eight investigation cases that involved three cartel topics - fuel, pharmacy, and online ticket markets. In two cases, recommendations were issued to state administrative bodies. At present, three cases are under investigation, including the pharmaceutical market. The fine imposed on the accused companies in 2023,  amounted to 59 million GEL.

Monitoring of the liquid/natural gas and bankinsurance markets has been completed, and within six mandatory recommendations were provided to enhance market transparency and competitiveness. Adopting 13 recommendations provided within the framework of pharmaceutical market monitoring is being implemented successfully, with a tangible influence on prices.

During the reporting period, we approved nine concentrations in the retail, construction, fuel, medical, heavy metal, and agro-industry sectors, four of which were implemented without prior notification to the Agency. In total, the Agency verified up to 40,000 registered concentrations in Georgia by 2023“.

According to Irakli Lekvinadze, the direction of consumer rights protection was very active. In 2023, more than 500 applications were received, 98 commitment agreements were signed, violations were confirmed in 54 cases, and violations were not confirmed in 6 cases. Several key standards have been set with consumers in consideration. Consumers received direct benefits of up to 500,000 GEL as a result of the Agency's active involvement.

According to Irakli Lekvinadze, Agency concluded one anti-dumping case on the alleged dumping price of filter cigarettes imported from Armenia. Sectoral monitoring of the local construction cement industry was implemented.

In the present year, the Agency conducts 3 investigation cases, 5 market monitoring, 7 concentration evaluations, and considers more than 300 applications in the direction of consumer rights protection.

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