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Decisions based on investigation
Decisions on inadmissibility
Contingent Liabilities
Dismissed Complaints
Case of “Intertechnics”

LTD “Intertechnics” submitted an application to the Competition Agency of Georgia on the alleged restriction of competition by the local self-government authorities (namely, by the Khashuri, Aspindza and Abasha municipality city halls) by granting advantages to certain undertakings  in public procuring of the earthmoving and excavating machineries. The investigation established the breach of the Law of Georgia on Competition by the procuring state authorities, and they were entrusted to protect competition in the public procurement process. 

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Case of "Optimal Group+"

LTD “Optimal Group+” submitted an application to the Competition Agency of Georgia on the alleged restriction of competition by the organizations participating in public procurement. The restriction was related to the fact that in the public procuring of design / construction / engineering works the state authorities were requiring/accepting decisions issued only by the LEPL Levan Samkharauli National Forensics Bureau. The investigation established the breach of the Law of Georgia on Competition by the procuring organizations, and they were entrusted to protect competition in the public procurement process. 

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Case of Revenue Service of Georgia

LTD “Georgian Trans Expedition - Poti” submitted an application to the Competition Agency of Georgia on the alleged restriction of competition by the LEPL Revenue Service of Georgia by providing the grounds for LTD “Inland Container Terminals” to achieve the dominant position and hinder activities of its competitors. The investigation established the breach of the Law of Georgia on Competition by the Revenue Service of Georgia and ordered to bring its actions into compliance with competition law.

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