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Filter and Unfiltered Cigarette Market Monitoring

Competition Agency of Georgia monitored the Market of Filter and Unfiltered Cigarette. Based on the information obtained by the Agency, detailed analysis and multifaceted assessment, the period 2013-2017 was studied. The agency revealed that the relevant market was compatible with the competitive environment.

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Online Hotel Booking Monitoring

The Competition Agency of Georgia monitored the Online Hotel Booking Platforms market. The monitoring revealed that certain undertakings had built broad MFN terms in their contracts (best price guarantee). In line with the best international practice, the agency required to them to correct broad MFN conditions and this requirement was fulfilled until the monitoring finished.

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Passenger air transportation market Monitoring

The Competition Agency of Georgia monitored passenger air transportation market and assess the competitive environment on the market. The monitoring has shown the following characteristics of the market: the existence of the healthy competitive environment, market was expanding and widening and there were not any artificial barriers for market entry. 

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Coffee Market Monitoring

The Competition Agency of Georgia conducted Coffee Market Monitoring. The monitoring has not revealed any factual circumstances that violated competition legislation, however, the Agency issued several recommendations toward the relevant authority regarding the stricter quality control of the products and necessity for further elaboration of the adulterants in coffee products. 

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