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Irakli Lekvinadze, the Chairman of the Competition and Consumer Agency, met with students

Chairman of the Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency, Irakli Lekvinadze, met the students participating in the "career development camp". In the format of the workshop, Irakli Lekvinadze discussed with the students the goal of the Agency's decisions, the results, the implemented reforms, challenges, and planned issues: "In the process of integration with the European Union, competition and consumer protection policies, as well as its effective enforcement, play an important role. In collaboration with thematically responsible ministries, the Agency actively participates in various action plans in these areas. The competition policy has been in existence for 10 years, and during that period, a number of significant decisions have been made to enhance the competition policy in Georgia and promote a fair economic climate. For our Agency, both locally and internationally, establishing an active dialogue format with the target audience is a strategically significant. Especially in the academic sector and among students, the future generation of our country.

From the perspective of student employment, especially in the direction of economic and legal profiles, the internship program in the Agency is ongoing. The project's goal is to enhance the development of student's practical skills and train qualified professionals in the field of competition policy protection, with the perspective of future employment. During the meeting with the students, Irakli Lekvinadze expressed his gratitude for their interest and participation in the Agency's efforts“.

The meeting was attended by Mariam Kuchuloria, private sector engagement advisor at the Center for International Private Enterprise; Levan Kalandadze, Deputy Chairman of the GCCA, and Sergo Sanikidze, Head of the Consumer Rights Protection Department

The meeting was held in a question-and-answer format, where students and Agency officials discussed in detail - the standards, approaches, and obtained results in the direction of the competition policy, as well as other important issues.

"Career Development Camp" is implemented with the support of the USAID Economic Governance Program, the European Business Association (EBA) and the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). 60 students from different universities of Georgia are involved in the project. The project aims to support young people and their career development.

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