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The EU-funded TWINNING project has launched by the National Competition Agency

“With the financing of the European Union, a 2-year Twinning project has started at the National Competition Agency, which will contribute to the effective implementation of the competition and consumer protection policy in Georgia. The law entered into force on June 1, 2022, and our agency will start enforcement on November 1 Our goal is to ingrain and strengthen the high quality of consumer protection and the culture of integrity in Georgia, based on studying and sharing the best practices of the European Union”, said the chairman of the National Competition Agency of Georgia, Irakli Lekvinadze, at the meeting.

“The European Union is glad to support the National Competition Agency of Georgia. This project is timely amid Georgia’s application for EU membership this year and the harmonization of national legislation with EU. The project will strengthen the capabilities of the National Competition Agency of Georgia not only in the field of competition but also in the direction of consumer rights protection in Georgia.An efficient, well-functioning supervision system is necessary to gain the trust of consumers, the business sector, and investors, as well as for the economy of Georgia as a whole”, said the Deputy Head of Cooperation of the European Union Representation in Georgia, Katalin German.

“It is a great honor to win this Twinning Project and represent Lithuania, which, according to the European Commission, is among the five EU countries as the most successful in the EU twinning programs in recent years. Our highly qualified and competent experts will spare no effort to help the Competition Agency of Georgia to bring the local legislative base in the field of competition and consumer protection closer to the EU regulations and to strengthen the agency’s institutional development”. - said the chairman of the Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania, the Twinning Project Leader, Šarūnas Kačerauskas.
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