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Georgia joins the International Consumer Rights Protection Day for a week

The Second International Consumer Rights Protection Week is scheduled from March 11 to March 15. The event is being organized in collaboration with several important entities, including the Competition and Consumer Agency, the National Bank of Georgia, the National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission of Georgia, the Communications Commission, the State Insurance Supervision Service of Georgia, and the National Food Agency.

An opening event is scheduled to take place on March 11th at Pullman Hotel in Tbilisi. During the event, the six regulatory bodies responsible for consumer rights protection will review the results, challenges, and enforcement mechanisms related to consumer rights protection.

As part of the upcoming week, meetings will be held with consumers on March 12 in Gurjaani, March 14 in Kutaisi, and on March 15 - which is International Consumer Protection Day - in Batumi. The main objective of this week, which is planned for March 11-15, is to raise public awareness regarding consumer rights.

During the week, several events are planned where the first persons of regulatory bodies, members of parliament, central and regional government officials, business leaders, academic professionals, and non-governmental sector representatives will participate. To share international practices, the event will also be attended by representatives from the European Union, UNCTAD, the diplomatic corps, and the Lithuanian Consumer Rights Protection Agency.

As part of the event, there will be a presentation of the book titled "European and Georgian Practice of Consumer Protection." Additionally, representatives from six regulatory authorities will conduct a panel discussion in Tbilisi, Gurjaani, Kutaisi, and Batumi to provide important information to consumers. The discussion will cover topics such as how consumers can protect their rights, who to contact in case of a violation, and the appropriate steps to take.

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