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The Competition and Consumer Agency confirmed that four traders breached consumers' rights

In May 2024, the Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency established a fact of an infringement of  the law of Georgian on Competition by the  "Sunline", "Saturn" (online store - ""), "Inex Group", and "Dilsi".

In particular, as a result of the evaluation and study of the circumstances of the case and the presented evidence, by the traders it was confirmed: the fact of violation of the basic obligation of the trader to provide information to the consumer, the right to refuse the distance contract and/or off-premises contract, also, a violation of the obligation to supply goods in accordance with the terms of the contract, as well as the fact of violation of the obligation related to replacement/repair/return of the defective item and cases of misleading commercial practices by act or omission.

Accordingly, the traders was instructed to restore the violated rights of consumers and to conform its trade policy to the requirements of the relevant articles of the law. 

According to the legislation, when a trader fails to execute or improperly executes a decision of the Agency within the period determined by the Agency, the trader shall be penalized. The amount of penalty shall not exceed 2 % of the annual turnover of the trader for the preceding financial year. If, during a period of 12 months, a trader commits a violation repeatedly, he/she shall be subject to a penalty which is double the amount of the previously imposed penalty.

For information: According to the data of January - April 2024, the 18 facts of violation of the rights of the consumer group were confirmed. The Agency signed 46 commitment agreements in 50 cases. 14 traders have received fines of up to 11 300 GEL for failing to meet the Agency's requirements in 19 cases.

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