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Competition and Consumer Agency held a round table for judges

To strengthen competition policy and improve legal enforcement, a round table was held with the participation of the Georgian Judiciary, at the initiative of the Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency and with the support of the EU-funded "Twinning" project. The workshop was devoted to Detecting and Preventing Restrictive Agreements (Cartels).

The round table was opened and addressed by Irakli Lekvinadze, Chairman of the Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency; Dimitri Gvritishvili, Chairman of the Administrative Affairs Chamber of the Tbilisi Court of Appeal,  and the project RTA, Justina Paulauskaité.

Around 50 local and international experts took part in the event. The attendees included members from the Supreme, Appeal, and Tbilisi City Courts. Heinz Ludwig Majer from the Federal Cartel Prosecutor of Austria and Elonas Šatas from the Lithuanian Competition Council shared international best practices with their Georgian colleagues regarding the standard of proof and determination of the purchase or sale price (price fixing) based on the European Union Court of Justice's best practice. Salome Kavtaradze, Head of Legal Department of the GCCA, presented a report and discussed the agency's most recent practices as well as current litigation involving restrictive agreements.

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