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The case of I/M Nino Okruashvili


As a result of evaluating and studying the circumstances of the case, the presented evidence, Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency established the fact of violation of the Law of Georgia "On Protection of Consumer Rights" by I/M Nino Okruashvili. In particular, the fact of violation of the main obligation of providing information to the customer and the obligation to replace/repair/return the defective item by the merchant was confirmed.

According to the decision of the agency, the trader was ordered to restore the violated rights of consumers and to conform the trade policy to the requirements of the relevant articles of the law within 1 (one) month.

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The case of Grill Food LLC


As a result of evaluating and studying the circumstances of the case, the presented evidence Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency established the fact of violation of the Law of Georgia on "Protection of Consumer Rights" by "Grill Food" LLC.

As a result of the investigation, it was established that in the facility belonging to Grill Food LLC, the reference (food) menu is prepared and located only in a non-state language, therefore, customers entering the food facility do not have the opportunity to receive information in the state language, clearly and comprehensibly.

According to the decision of the agency, the trader was ordered to comply with the requirements of the relevant article of the law within 1 (one) month.

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The case of "Kizil 2023" LLC


As a result of evaluating and studying the circumstances of the case, the presented evidence, Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency established the fact of violation of the Law of Georgia on "Protection of Consumer Rights" by "Kizil 2023" LLC.

As a result of the investigation, it was established that in the facility belonging to "Kizil 2023" LLC, the reference (food) menu is prepared and located only in a non-state language. Consequently, customers entering the catering facility do not have the opportunity to receive information in the state language, clearly and comprehensibly.

According to the decision of the agency, the trader was ordered to comply with the requirements of the relevant article of the law within 1 (one) month.

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The case of Mr. Elshan Makhmedov


As a result of evaluating and studying the circumstances of the case, the presented evidence, Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency established the fact of violation of the Law of Georgia "On Protection of Consumer Rights" by Mr. Elshan Makhmedov.

According to the agency's decision, the fact of violation of the main obligation of the seller to provide information to the customer and the obligation to replace/repair/return the defective item was confirmed.

According to the decision, the merchant was ordered to restore the violated rights of consumers and to adjust the trade policy to the requirements of the relevant articles of the law within 1 (one) month.

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The case of online store "continuum"


In the direction of protection of consumer rights Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency established the fact of violation of the Law of Georgia on "Protection of Consumer Rights" by LLC "Continuum" ("Continuum" online store on the social network Facebook, website -

In particular, as a result of the assessment and study of the circumstances of the case and the presented evidence, it was confirmed: on the part of the merchant - the fact of violation of the main obligation to provide information to the consumer and the obligation to replace/repair/return the defective item.

Accordingly, according to the agency's decision, within 1 month, the trader was ordered to restore the violated rights of consumers and to adjust his trading policy to the requirements of the relevant articles of the law.

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The case of "Best Shop" Facebook store


Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency, in order to protect the consumer's rights, established the fact of unfair commercial activity on the part of the trader.

In the mentioned case, the seller's Facebook store "Best Shop Best Shop" offers goods at a special price ostensibly in a short period of time, by means of fake countdown timers (countdown timers). In particular, there is a 24-hour deadline for purchasing an item at the promotional price, however, the offer continues the next day and the timer starts counting down again.

According to the agency, making a false statement on the part of the trader that the goods will be available and/or special conditions will apply only for a short period of time, with the aim of making the consumer make an instant decision and not giving him enough time and opportunity to make an informed decision, is a misleading activity expressed in action. Legally, this action is understood as "Fake Urgency" when the user is under time pressure and has less time to make an informed decision.

Accordingly, in order to protect the rights of the consumer, the competition agency established the standard of time-limited offer. The purpose of the decision made by the agency is to prevent a manipulative marketing ploy-misleading special commercial offer fake countdown as an unfair commercial practice.

Also, according to the agency's position, the merchant's trade policy is not in accordance with the norms of the law even in the part of consumer awareness. In particular: 1. Information is not provided in the state language of Georgia; 2. Does not include the name of the goods or services and relevant essential characteristics 3. There is no information about legal warranty (commercial - if any), item replacement/repair, price reduction and withdrawal from the contract.

According to the agency's decision, the trader was ordered to restore the violated rights of consumers within one month and to make his trading policy conform to the requirements of the law.

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"Jehun Alazov" case


Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency, on the basis of the citizen Marina Robitashvili's statement, completed the investigation of the alleged violation of the Georgian Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" by Mr. Jeihun Alazov.

As a result of evaluating and studying the circumstances of the case and the presented evidence, the agency established the fact of violation. In particular, according to the agency's decision, the fact of violation of the main obligation of the seller to provide information to the consumer and the obligation to replace/repair/return the defective item was confirmed.

Accordingly, within one month, the trader was ordered to restore the violated rights of consumers and to adjust his trading policy to the requirements of the relevant articles of the law.

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"Favorite Shop" case


In the direction of protection of consumer rights, the competition agency established the fact of violation by "FAVORITE SHOP" (the online store "FAVORITE SHOP" on the social network Facebook).

In particular, as a result of studying the circumstances of the case and the evaluation of the presented evidence, it was confirmed: on the part of the merchant - the fact of violation of the main obligation to provide information to the customer and the obligation to replace/repair/return the defective item.

Accordingly, according to the agency's decision, within one month, the trader was ordered to restore the violated rights of consumers and to adjust his trading policy to the requirements of the relevant articles of the law.

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Online store "MAX SALE" is the case


In the direction of protection of consumer rights, the competition agency established the fact of violation against Giorgi Kiknadze ("MAX SALE" online store on the social network Facebook).

In particular, as a result of studying the circumstances of the case and the evaluation of the presented evidence, it was confirmed: on the part of the merchant - the fact of violation of the main obligation to provide information to the customer and the obligation to replace/repair/return the defective item.

Accordingly, according to the agency's decision, within one month, the trader was ordered to restore the violated rights of consumers and to adjust his trading policy to the requirements of the relevant articles of the law.

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"Label" case


Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency, on the basis of the citizen Kristine Okropiridze's application, completed the investigation of the alleged violation of the Law of Georgia on "Protection of Consumer Rights" by Lebel LLC.

As a result of evaluating and studying the circumstances of the case and the presented evidence, the agency established the fact of violation. In particular, according to the agency's decision, the fact of violation of the main obligation of the seller to provide information to the consumer and the obligation to replace/repair/return the defective item was confirmed.

Accordingly, within one month, the trader was ordered to restore the violated rights of consumers and to adjust his trading policy to the requirements of the relevant articles of the law.

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