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Decisions based on investigation
Decisions on inadmissibility
Contingent Liabilities
Dismissed Complaints
Case of "Engineering Monitoring Group”

The Georgian National Competition Agency completed the investigation based on the complaint of "Engineering Monitoring Group", on the alleged violation of Articles 10 of the Law of Georgia on Competition by the Marneuli Municipality (Marneuli Municipality City Hal)l and the Gori Municipality City Hall. In the frame of the investigation the fact of using the disputed condition in the state procurement process has been revealed by six additional municipalities - Khashuri, Kareli, Kaspi, Dmanisi, Gardabani and Tsalka. According to the Agency's decision, the municipal bodies and as well as other state procurement organizations were instructed to ensure compliance with the principles of competition in the process of forming tender conditions.

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Case II of Technical Inspection

The Georgian National Competition Agency completed the investigation based on the complaint of Ind. Entrepreneur Shota Lominashvili, and the fact of violation was confirmed. The case concerned the alleged violation of Article 10 of the Law of Georgia on Competition by the Unified National Body of Accreditation – Georgian Accreditation Center. The violation was related to the written refusal of the accreditation center to start and implement the legal procedures required for accreditation, which was not based on the applicable legislation and caused disruption of the economic activity of the complainant.

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The case of "GPI Holding"

Based on the complaint of the Insurance Company GPI Holding, the alleged violation of Article 10 of the Law of Georgia on Competition by Sakaeronavigatsia has not been confirmed as a result of the investigation conducted by the Agency. The case concerned to the conditions set by the defendant in the tender documentation regarding the request for the reinsurance company's confirmation and the tender announcement where civil liability, property, employee health and life insurance services were combined into one lot. In order to improve the competitive environment, a mandatory recommendation was issued by the Agency.

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Case of Technical Inspection

An individual entrepreneur, Shota Lominashvili, has submitted an application to the Competition Agency of Georgia regarding the possible violation of the competition legislation in the process of creation/organization of the periodical technical inspection centers by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia. The investigation confirmed the violation of the Law of Georgia on Competition by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and was given mandatory recommendations for the improvement of the competitive environment in the relevant market.

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Insurance Case N3 (Advance Payment Guarantees)

Insurance Company Unison submitted the complaint to the Competition Agency of Georgia on the alleged restriction of competition by the Roads Department of Georgia in the public procurement by requiring through tender conditions that the essential bank guarantees should only be issued by the commercial banks.  The Agency decided that the tender requirement was a restriction for the insurance companies and the Roads Department of Georgia infringed the Georgian law on Competition. The respondent was entrusted to protect competition in the public procurement process. 

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Case of Batumi City Hall

LTD “Libo” submitted the complaint to the Competition Agency of Georgia against the Batumi Municipality City Hall. The complainant indicated that the respondent restricted the competition in the process of prolonging the validity of permission for outdoor advertisement activities in Batumi. The Agency established the breach of competition law by the Batumi Municipality City Hall and entrusted the respondent to take appropriate measures for competition restoration. 

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Insurance Case N2

Insurance Company Unisoni submitted the complaint to the Competition Agency of Georgia on the alleged restriction of competition by the Georgian public procurers by requiring/accepting the contract performance guarantees issued only by the commercial banks. According to the complainant, the behavior of the public procurers was a breach of the Law of Georgia on Competition and restricting the whole insurance sector. The investigation established the violation of the Georgian law on Competition by the LEPL Municipal Development Fund of Georgia, Roads Department of Georgia, Batumi City Hall, Khashuri City Hall and Tbilisi City Hall. The public procurers were entrusted to protect the competition in the public procurement process. 

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Case of School Buses

The Competition Agency of Georgia, by its own initiative, on the basis of the possible restriction of competition by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, started an investigation of the market regarding transportation issues of the public school pupils. The violation of the Law of Georgia on Competition by the Ministry took place in the public procurement process by imposing barriers to the market entry. As a result of the investigation, the violation of the Law of Georgia on Competition was established by the Ministry and mandatory recommendations were issued to the authority.

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Insurance Case N1

Insurance Company Unisoni submitted the complaint to the Competition Agency of Georgia on the alleged restriction of competition by the LEPL “Georgian National Communication Commission”, LTD “Georgian Post” and LTD “Mountain Resorts Georgia” by establishing the discriminatory conditions (experience/sum of accumulated premium) in the public procuring of health insurance. As the result of the investigation, the disputed terms were regarded to be restrictive for competition, however, since the defendants were not subjects to the Article 10 of the Law of Georgia on Competition, no violation of the law was established by the Agency. 

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Case of Registration of Pharmaceutical Products

N(N)LE “Alliance for Progressive Health Care” submitted a complaint to the Competition Agency of Georgia on the alleged restriction of competition by the LEPL State Regulation Agency for Medical Activities expressed by its activities restricting the “parallel import" (different packaged-labeled imports). As a result of the investigation, the violation of the Law of Georgia on Competition was established by the Regulation Agency, and it was entrusted to abolish the unlawful decision. 

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