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Main Obligations of Undertakings Under the Georgian Competition Legislation (Document Available in Georgian Language)

Definition of Provisions of the Article 6 of Georgian Law on Competition, on the basis of EU executive and judicial practice (Document Available in Georgian Language)

Definition of Provisions of the Article 7 of Georgian Law on Competition, on the basis of EU executive and judicial practice (Document Available in Georgian Language)

Guidance on Calculation of Fines (Document Available in Georgian Language)

Protection of confidential information in competition law proceedings (Document Available in Georgian Language)

Guideline to filling out an application to the examining body for the introduction of anti-dumping measures in trade (Document Available in Georgian Language)

Lenience Program – guideline document for undertaking (Document Available in Georgian Language)

The procedure for filing a complaint and its admissibility (Document Available in Georgian Language)

Glossary of Competition Terms (Document Available in Georgian Language)

impact assessment on the competitive environment of the decisions made by the Agency and the monitoring of the implementation of mandatory recommendations for consideration (Document Available in Georgian Language)