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Case of "Geopipe" and "Sibel"

The National Competition Agency has approved the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Sibel by "Geopipe". The concentration was concerned to the market of heating and related water supply systems. According to the Agency's assessment, the market volume in 2020 was 118 million GEL. Imports were implemented by 240 undertakings, Market Concentration - The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) was 476 units - which is an indicator of a low-concentration market. Accordingly, the Agency determined that the mentioned market is low-concentrated and as a result of the implemented concentration, there is no significant change in the indicator.

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Case of "Georgian Distribution Marketing Company" and "Levori"

The National Competition Agency approved the purchase of 44.995% of the shares by the "Georgian Distribution Marketing Company" from the owner of 100% of the shares of "Levor". According to the Agency's assessment, the parties conduct economic activities in different relevant markets and the planned concentration will not affect the concentration index of the relevant market. Accordingly, the Agency determined that the planned concentration, in accordance with Article 11 of the Law of Georgia o Competition does not substantially limit effective competition and is compatible with the competitive environment.

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Case of “Mondelez Nederland Services B.V.” and “Chipita Industrial and Commercial Company S.A.”

The National Competition Agency has approved the concentration of the "Mondelez Nederland Services B.V.” and " Chipita Industrial and Commercial Company S.A.”.  According to the Agency's assessment, the commodity market under consideration, according to the HHI index, is low-concentrated, and as a result of the concentration, there is no significant change in the indicated index. Accordingly, the Agency determined that the concentration in accordance with Article 11 of the Law of Georgia on Competition does not substantially limit effective competition and is compatible with the competitive environment.

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Case of "Tbilisi State Medical University" and “Gn Ko”

The National Competition Agency approved the concentration of "Tbilisi State Medical University" and "Gn Ko". According to the Agency's assessment, the concentration is compatible with the competitive environment in accordance with Article 11 of the Law of Georgian on Competition. According to the concentration assessment methodology, the major market player "Evex Hospitals" lacks "GN Co" and  the volume of revenues of related business entities, which creates the condition of decreasing concentration in the relevant commodity market.

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Competition Agency of Georgia received an application regarding the planned concentration as a result of acquisition of 80% share of the  “TBILISI GREEN SCHOOL” by the “GEORGIA CAPITAL.” The Agency defined service of general education offered by private schools as a product market. According to the decision of the Agency, the concentration was considered as compatible to the competitive environment.

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Competition Agency of Georgia received an application regarding the planned concentration as a result of acquisition of 80% share of “BUCKSWOOD INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL – TBILISI” by “GEORGIA CAPITAL.” The Agency defined service of general education offered by private schools as a product market. According to the decision of the Agency, the concentration was considered as compatible to the competitive environment.

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Competition Agency of Georgia received a notification of the planned concentration between “GEORGIA CAPITAL,”  “BRITISH_GEORGIAN ACADEMY,” and “BRITISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF TBILISI” as a result of acquisition of 70% share of “BRITISH-GEORGIAN ACADEMY” by “GEORGIA CAPITAL.” The Agency defined service of general education offered by private schools as a product market. According to the decision of the Agency, the concentration was considered as compatible to the competitive environment. 

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Competition Agency of Georgia received a notification of the planned concentration between “GEORGIA CAPITAL” and “MOTORSTAR” as a result of acquisition of 80% share of  “BRITISH-GEORGIAN ACADEMY” by “GEORGIA CAPITAL.” The relevant production market was defined by the Agency as the product markets of auto transport repair (service) and auto parts, which, in turn, were divided into the market levels of auto parts import, auto parts wholesale trade and auto parts retail sale, as well as auto transport repair and service. According to the decision of the Agency, the concentration was considered as compatible to the competitive environment. 

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Competition Agency of Georgia received a notification of the planned concentration between  “AMERITECH,” “SMILEY” as a result of establishing a joint venture. The Agency analyzed markets of computers, mobile devices, domestic appliances; relevant undertakings and their market shares; factors of market environment. According to the decision of the Agency, the concentration was considered as compatible to the competitive environment

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Competition Agency of Georgia received a notification of the planned concentration between  “MEDCAPITAL” and “MEDISON HOLDING” as a result of acquisition of 100% share of  “MEDISON HOLDING” by  “MEDCAPITAL.” The Agency defined service of ambulatory as a product/service market; analyzed information on the relevant undertakings and their market shares; factors of market environment. According to the decision of the Agency, the concentration was considered as compatible to the competitive environment.

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