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Submit a statement on competition, concentration, anti-dumping and consumer rights is also possible by electronic signature

The Georgian National Competition Agency has updated its website , where the interested person can easily and in detail search for any decision made by the Agency, implemented activity or application form.

In particular, the site's main page presents the Agency’s application forms, where it is possible to send the document both in the download format and in the case of electronic signature.

Also, to inform the public, the Agency explains who can apply to the National Competition Agency, in what case and by filling in which form:

1. If the consumer believes that his/her rights are violated, and if there is information that the action of a trader violates or is likely to violate the right of a group of consumers;

2. If the local industry has evidence that the dumped imports inflict damage, or threatens to inflict damage;

3. Only an undertaking that considers that the violation of the Law causes direct property damage to him/her, and submits a respective complaint form to the Agency thereon;

4. Concentration is subject to notification to the Agency if the aggregate (total) annual turnover of its participants in the territory of Georgia, as of the previous financial year of the obligation to submit the notification, exceeds 20 million GEL and the annual turnover of at least two persons participating in the concentration exceeds 5 million GEL;

5. The leniency program implies a full or partial exemption of a person from liability established by law if the person admits participation in the restrictive agreements agreement and provides to the Agency, orally or in writing, information, and evidence known to him/her.

The site's operating system has been improved and updated. New functions and information have been added in accordance with modern standards and consumer interest. In accordance with the legislative changes, the consumer rights and the anti-dumping direction are presented in a separate format on the Agency's website, where any visitor will learn in detail regarding the ongoing and completed cases and results in this direction.

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