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Levan Kalandadze met with State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany

On May 7, Levan Kalandadze, Deputy Chairman of the Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency, met with Sven Giegold, State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

During the meeting, potential formats for mutual cooperation and future development were discussed. The main focus was on the legislative reforms that have been implemented in Georgia, particularly in the areas of competition and consumer protection. The discussion revolved around the achieved results and existing challenges, as well as various cooperation formats with different target audiences.

Salome Kavtaradze, the Head of Legal Department of the GCCA, addressed during the meeting regarding the Agency's capabilities and enforcement methods, as well as current and completed key cases.

In parallel, the Agency hosted a working discussion with officials from the German business delegation, which was chaired by Irakli Shakiashvili, the Deputy Head of the Agency's legal department. The meeting was organized in the form of a question-and-answer format, the primary topics discussed were efforts made to strengthen competition policy, legal procedures and enforcement mechanisms.

The German side positively evaluated the Competition and Consumer Protection Agency's activities. On a bilateral level, the parties committed to actively engage on numerous platforms in order to facilitate future cooperation.

The meeting was attended by Franciska Alarich, employee in charge of Georgian matters; Sarah Zielonka, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany,  Head of economic and press affairs; Tamar Mermanishvili, Donor Relations and Projects Manager and other GCCA employees.

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