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The Competition and Consumer Agency participated in the "SEU Employment Forum 2024"

In 2023, the Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency and the Georgian National University signed a memorandum of cooperation under which the parties agreed to work together permanently to enhance student career development.

Mariam Shaishmelashvili, Head of the Agency's Training and Research Center, and Nino Gugutsidze, Human Resources Manager, attended the "SEU Employment Forum 2024" on April 16. The Agency representatives provided detailed information to the forum participants on the Agency's activities, employment opportunities, and internships.

The employment forum was attended by over 60 top organizations from both the local and international markets. The forum's goal was to promote professional development and employment opportunities for SEU students and graduates, to engage in active interaction with representatives from leading organizations and enterprises operating in Georgia, and to communicate required, timely, and important information with students.

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