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The National Competition Agency recognized the complaint against the Ukrainian company as inadmissible

The National Competition Agency of Georgia, the complaint of "Softline Georgia" by the Ukrainian company "Bako Tech" about an alleged fact of unfair competition recognized as inadmissible.

The complaint submitted to the agency related to the termination of business relations by the Ukrainian company with the complainant and the distribution of information. According to the agency's decision, there is no legal basis for starting an investigation into the case since the companies operate in different geographic/product markets and are not competitors of each other.

Currently, the National Competition Agency is considering 4 investigations on the alleged fact of concerted action in the fuel market; in the translation sector - an alleged fact of abuse of a dominant position and concerted action; in the auto service sector - the alleged fact of restriction of competition from the administrative agency and in the shipping sector - the fact of abuse of dominant position and possible violation of unfair competition.

In 2022, the National Competition Agency completed 2 investigations: 1. In the insurance/hospital sector, related to abuse of a dominant position, within which 2 recommendations have been issued, and 2. In the tourism sector, related to unfair competition, where the violation was confirmed and the financial sanction was imposed on the respondent company, as well as, the company was ordered to eliminate the violation of the law immediately.
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