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Decisions based on investigation
Decisions on inadmissibility
Contingent Liabilities
Dismissed Complaints
Intermediate and repeated sanctions
Case of hotel and accommodation service delivery online market

The Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency has completed an independent investigation into a case initiated by a complaint from "Resenal Solutions" Ltd. The complaint alleged that “Tneti” Ltd and "Mastercard Europe" JSC had infringed on Article 7 of the La of Georgian on Competition in relation to online service provision for hotels and accomodation establishments through loyalty programs. However, the investigation found no evidence of a violation of the Law. Nonetheless, to enhance the competitiveness in the market, two mandatory recommendations were issued to all parties for consideration.

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Case of online sale of cinema tickets

The Georgian National Competition Agency has established a violation of Article 7 (Restrictive agreements ) of the Law of Georgia on Competition in the online cinema ticket sales market. According to the decision of the National Competition Agency, the complainant (E-Tickets LLC) and the defendants (Tineti LLC and the unified economic entity "Didstribution Company") were fined more than 1.6 million GEL for anti-competition agreement. However, JSC TBC Bank and TBC Bank Group PLC were not found in violation of Article 7, and violation was not established against "Distribution Company" LLC. The National Competition Agency issued three recommendations to relevant entities to improve the market for online sales of tickets for cultural, entertainment, creative, sports, leisure and tourism, educational, transport and other types of events/products/services.

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Case of Pharmaceutical market

The National Competition Agency has established a violation of Article 7 (concerted practices) of the Law of Georgia on Competition by four companies. These companies, namely Aversi, Gepha, PSP, and Mermis, have agreed on prices and price fixing within the state funding program for oncology medicines from 2021 to 2023 (including August). The National Competition Agency has imposed a fine of up to 53 million GEL on these companies.

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CASE III of oil commodity

On August 17, 2023, the Georgian National Competition Agency has completed the investigation in the motor fuel market. The case concerns the maintenance of high prices in the retail market of motor fuel in the period of  March-August 2022. The investigation implemented by the National Competition Agency has confirmed the violation of Article 7 of the Law of Georgia on Competition by LLC “LUKOIL-Georgia", JSC “WISSOL Petroleum Georgia", LLC “San Petroleum Georgia", LLC "SOCAR Georgia Petroleum" and LLC "Rompetrol Georgia". According to the Agency’s decision, the undertakings have been subjected to the relevant fine of up to 4 million GEL in total. Moreover, in order to improve the competitive environment in the market, the Agency issued necessary recommendations.

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Case of "Delta Development Group"

The Georgian National Competition Agency completed the investigation based on the complaint of "Delta Development Group" on the alleged violation of Articles 6 and 7 of the Law of Georgia on Competition by the companies operating in the field of translation and interpretation services. The investigation confirmed the violation of Article 7 of the Law of Georgia on Competition by the two respondent undertakings and one of the translator-interpreter.  According to the Agency's decision, the mentioned undertakings were imposed the appropriate financial sanction and instructed to immediately eliminate the violation of the law.

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Case of “G and Audit Service Group”

The Georgian National Competition Agency has completed the investigation based on the application submitted by the "G & Audit Service Group", on the alleged violation of Article 7 of the Law of Georgia on Competition. The investigation confirmed the violation of Article 7 of the Law of Georgia on Competition by the respondent undertakings- "Aladashvili & Co." Ltd., "Nili" Ltd., "Tari 08" Ltd. and "Elf" Ltd. In particular, according to the Agency's position, there was market redistribution in specific state procurements announced for the purpose of providing services with free canteens. Appropriate financial sanctions were imposed on undertakings.

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Case of “Citroen Georgia”

Ltd Citroen Georgia submitted a complaint to Competition Agency, regarding the alleged restrictive agreements, by the LTD “Strada Motors, LTD “Iberia Autos”, LTD “Hyundai Auto Georgia”, LTD “Kia Motors Georgia”, ltd “Gt Motors” and JSC “France Auto”. According to the complainant's position, the undertakings were granted with such benefits that put them in preference and as a result the complainant was restricted in the state procurements. As a result of the investigation anticompetitive conduct was not established.

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CASE II of oil commodity

In accordance with the order of the Georgian courts, Competition Agency has begun re-investigate the oil commodity market. As the result of investigation, five largest oil companies operating in the country were found to be in breach of market distribution. It was also re-established the fact of price fixing in the subcontracting and partnership agreement signed by individual companies. The undertakings fined up to 3 million Georgian Lari for violating the competition legislation, which was paid into the state budget. 

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Case on School Buses

On the basis of the information provided by the State Audit Office, Competition Agency of Georgia started an investigation on its own initiative regarding possible bid rigging by undertakings (Ltd “V-Qom”, Ltd „Nishi“, Ltd “Timeservice”, Ltd “MyGps”) in a tender of public school students’ transportation service. As a result of investigation, the violation of the Law of Georgia on Competition was not established. 

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Case II OF "Globalagro"

Competition Agency started an investigation on its own initiative to assess the market behavior of the members of the Georgian Wheat and Bakery Producer’s Association “Globalagro”. The subject of the investigation was - whether there was an anti-competitive agreement between the members of the association. As a result of investigation, “Globalagro“ involvement in an anti-competitive agreement was not established.

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