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Case of “White Square Isan” and “Anagi Development 2”

The Georgian National Competition Agency has approved the concentration of “Anagi Development 2” and “White Square Isan” in the construction market. The case concerned the purchase of a 50% share of "Anagi Development 2"  from "Anagi" by "White Square Isani". The Agency evaluated the market of the construction of residential and non-residential buildings. According to the received and processed material, the volume of the mentioned market in 2022 amounted to 8,084,435,501 GEL, the market concentration index Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) is 61.41, which is an indicator of a low concentration market. As a result of the implementation of the concentration, the HHI is 64.14, and the index change according to ΔHHI is 2.73. According to the Agency's decision, as a result of the planned concentration, there is no significant change in the concentration index in the relevant market, and its compatible with the competitive environment.

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Case of Individual Temur Bolkvadze and "Legometal"

The National Competition Agency approved the purchase of a 100% share of "Legometal" by Temur Bolkvadze. In order to examine the compatibility of the implemented concentration with the competitive environment, the Agency assessed the competitive environment in the non-ferrous scrap export market. The volume of non-ferrous metal scrap exports in 2021 amounted to 271.7 million GEL, the number of participating entities - 46, the market concentration index (HHI) - 1 474.77, which is an average concentrated market indicator. The Agency has determined that the implemented concentration in accordance with Article 11 of the Law of Georgia on Competition does not substantially limit effective competition and is compatible with the competitive environment.

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Case of “Roniko” and “Arttime”

The National Competition Agency approved the purchase of 100% share of “Arttime” by "Roniko". The Agency determined that the concentration implemented between "Roniko" and "Arttime" does not change the commodity structure of the relevant market, and therefore, the concentration is compatible with the competitive environment.

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Case of “Silk Road Engineering” and “Pharmarea”

The National Competition Agency approved the purchase of 100% shares of "Pharmarea" by "Silk Road Engineering". The agency evaluated agricultural machinery and of spare parts production market. In 2021, the volume of the wholesale market of agricultural machinery, equipment and property amounted to 169.3 million GEL, the number of participating entities - 134, the market concentration index (HHI) - 463.14, which is an indicator of a low-concentration market. The volume of import of agricultural machinery, equipment and property in 2021 amounted to 186.4 million GEL, the number of participating entities - 1175, the market concentration index (HHI) - 463.14, which is also an indicator of a low-concentration market.

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Case of Individual Zaza Gogotishvili and “CMC”

The Georgian National Competition Agency has approved the planned concentration by establishing a joint venture between Zaza Gogotishvili and CMC. Concentration refers to the import/export of building materials, construction and architectural services markets. According to the Agency's assessment, the relevant market/markets are low-concentrated. Taking into account the market share of the parties participating in the concentration, as well as their interdependent undertakings, the planned concentration does not have a significant impact on the market and is compatible with the competitive environment.

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Case II of "San Petroleum Georgia"

The Georgian National Competition Agency has approved the planned concentration to be implemented by the company "San Petroleum Georgia" by gaining control over the gas station owned by "Iberia Service". the Agency evaluated the competitive environment at the national level, the volume of the retail market in 2021 was 1,322,225 thousand liters; The number of companies operating in the retail market 506; The number of gas stations operating in the retail market 1232; The market Concentration Index (HHI) 906; HHI after the implementation of concentration - 913. The volume of the retail market in Batumi in 2021 was 130,320 thousand liters; number of companies operating in the retail market 37; Number of gas stations operating in the retail market 77; Market Concentration Index (HHI) 1117; HHI  after the implementation of the concentration  1140.

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Case I of "San Petroleum Georgia"

The Georgian National Competition Agency has approved the concentration to be implemented by the company "San Petroleum Georgia" by gaining control over 32 gas stations owned by 23 undertakings. The concentration refers to the retail market of auto fuel (gasoline, diesel). The volume of the retail market in 2021 was 1,322,225 thousand liters; The number of companies operating in the retail market 506; The number of gas stations operating in the retail market 1232; The market Concentration Index (HHI) 868; HHI  after the implementation of the concentration 924. The retail level of the corresponding market is low-concentrated, and as a result of the concentration the index increases by 56 units, which is not a significant change. The expected change in the concentration index is also insignificant in the level of market imports.

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Case of “European University” and “Jo Ann Medical Center”

The National Competition Agency has approved the concentration to be implemented by the "European University"  and  "Jo Ann Medical Center". "Europe University" operates in the educational market, and "Joe Ann Medical Center" in the market of providing medical services. As part of the assessment of the impact of the implemented concentration on the competitive environment, the Agency studied the level of concentration in the market of the single-level educational program of a licensed medical - HHI 1290 and in the market of providing medical stationary and ambulatory services - HH 398. The Agency determined that the concentration does not essentially limit effective competition in the goods or services market of Georgia or its part and is compatible with the competitive environment.

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Case of “Anagi” and “GTC Trading”

The National Competition Agency has approved the purchase of a 50% share of “GTC Trading” by "Anagi" LLC. The Agency determined that the concentration between "Anag"  and "GTC Trading", in accordance with Article 11 of the Law of Georgia on Competition, does not substantially limit effective competition and is compatible with the competitive environment.

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Case of "Geo Hospitals" and "Amtel Hospital First Clinic"

The National Competition Agency has approved the purchase of 100% of the shares of "Amtel Hospital First Clinical"  by "GEO Hospitals" . The Agency has determined that the relevant market(s) is low-concentrated and that the concentration does not result in a substantial change in the HHI index. The planned concentration, in accordance with Article 11 of the Law of Georgia on Competition, does not substantially restrict effective competition and is compatible with the competitive environment.

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